Why Farming?
Recent studies* have confirmed that outside work in a farm environment:
improves social inclusion
improves mental health, especially depression and anxiety
promotes physical health, skill development, coordination, motor function and time management
promotes empathy, responsibility and self-worth
In addition there is growing evidence that exposure to nature improves cognitive function as well as mood. (4)

Key factors guiding Longlands practice
Carl Rogers’s three core conditions – Congruence, Empathy and Unconditional Positive Regard – are the foundation of all our work with young people.
At Longlands we promote:
A non-judgmental, supportive and positive culture
Caring for and interacting with animals
Purposeful tasks – real work – encouraging motivation
Trusting young people and giving them responsibility
Small group and one to one working allowing therapeutic conversations while engaged on a task
1 or 2 days/week acting as a ‘reset’ for the rest of the student’s week

"It's only when I'm outdoors that my mind holds still"
* Selected extracts from published research:
1) “Results from the Rosenberg Self-esteem tests showed … 64% of participants experiencing an improvement in their self-esteem.”
“The Profile of Mood States results indicated that there were statistically significant improvements in all 6 mood factors.”
“The findings clearly show that spending time participating in care farm activities is effective in enhancing mood and improving self-esteem. Working on a care farm can … reduce feelings of anger, confusion, depression, tension and fatigue, whilst also enabling participants to feel more active and energetic.”
“… a highly statistically significant decrease in participants’ anger scores between before and after spending time on the farm ... and 94% people experienced a reduction in feelings of anger after their time on a care farm.”
Rachel Hine et al, Report for the National Care Farming Initiative (UK) January 2008, University of Essex, Colchester (Executive Summary & p71) https://www.farmgarden.org.uk/sites/farmgarden.org.uk/files/care_farming_in_the_uk_exec_summary.pdf
2) “The main research findings evidenced in this paper can be summarised as below:
Care farms provide a nurturing and enabling learning environment for young people to self-discover and be free from the humiliation and frustration experienced, by some, in the traditional schooling system.
Animals on a care farm are an effective channel through which young people can express themselves in a safe and calming manner.
The informal relational discourse evidenced through interactions with the staff, young people and other participants, synergises with the nature-based pedagogy and learning contexts on a care farm, providing a catalyst for young people to learn practically, socially and introspectively.”
Rachael Fell-Chambers, e-journal of the British Education Studies Association, Vol. 13 (2) December 2022 ISSN: 1758-2199 140 (Conclusion) https://educationstudies.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/BESA-Journal-EF-13-2-09-Fell-Chambers.pdf
3) “After visiting … young people show statistically significant and meaningful positive shifts in their behaviour, engagement, self-esteem and mental wellbeing.
90% of visiting staff saw an increase in young people’s ability to control their behaviour during the visit
64% of those at risk of exclusion before visiting were no longer at risk 6 months on
50% of those not on track in core subjects were now on track 6 months after visiting”
Jamie’s Farm, https://jamiesfarm.org.uk/impact/
4) “Participants that walked in nature reported their walk to be more restorative than those that walked in the urban environment. Furthermore, the nature group showed an enhanced error-related negativity after their walk, an event-related brain component that indexes executive control capacity, whereas the urban group did not. These findings demonstrate that a 40-min nature walk enhances executive control at a neural level, providing a potential neural mechanism for attention restoration in nature.”
Amy S McDonnell & David L Strayer, Immersion in nature enhances neural indices of executive attention Sci Rep 2024 Jan 22;14(1):1845. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38253734/
Other Sources:
Times Educational Supplement Dec 31 2021
Social Farms & Gardens: https://www.farmgarden.org.uk/