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Our Impact

With around 30 students on roll at any one time, attending 1 or 2 days/week, Longlands can be:

  • short term placement before returning to school 

  • alternative provision over a longer period

  • one day/week at Longlands can enable students to cope better with a school environment



Many of our students are school refusers, at risk of exclusion, or already excluded from mainstream schools. 


Student attendance at Longlands is 88%


















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2022-2023 figures                      



Students aged 14+ who are with us for more than 8 weeks can be entered for City & Guilds qualifications in Land-based Studies and/or Work-based Horse Care. 

In 2022-23 we saw 100% pass rate:

  • 7 students achieved Level 1 Award

  • 6 students achieved Level 1 Certificate

  • 1 student achieved Level 1 Diploma


Younger students and those not enrolled for C&G are entered for AQA awards in animal care, horticulture, cooking, construction or mechanics. 

15 students achieved a total of 112 awards between them, including:

  • All students complete the AQA Health & Safety unit.



Mental Health

As much as half of our intake would benefit from mental health intervention, some of them urgently. We now have two specialist therapeutic practitioners, for working one-to-one with students' specific issues.


Referrers, families and staff all report significant improvement from these interventions.


For 2024-25 we are applying the ‘Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire’ (SDQ) to track progress more rigorously.




Our aim is always to re-engage young people with learning and prepare them for adult life.


Of the students who stayed with us to the end of their year 11 in 2024:

  • 3 were going straight onto college courses – horse care and animal care

  • 1 was straight into a job in farming

  • 2 were unclear – one had a college place but hadn’t got the grades he needed, another was moving area with his family.

Some of these continue coming to Longlands one day/week to help with the transition. (We have separate funding for this.)


Some of our students stay in touch.  You can read their stories here:


A Mum's Story

Update on Alice's Story

Sam's Story


 “Life changing differences to the lives of vulnerable children.” 
Maddie Burton, Senior Lecturer
Child & Adolescent Mental Health


Student A, year 11, had very poor school attendance and was very unsettled when there.  During 2022-23 his attendance at Longlands has been almost 100%. He is now studying English, Maths and Level 1 Certificate in Land-based Studies, and is a role model for younger students.

Student B, year 11, is on the autistic spectrum and was a school refuser, not attending high school at all.  During 2022-23  her attendance with us was 100%, and she achieved the Level 1 Award and Certificate. She has now moved to a registered school provider for 4 days/week, retaining 1 day/ week at Longlands.

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"Never under-estimate the impact you have on these young people and their whole families."   

Student's mother, Summer 2024

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